Tuesday, 17 March 2009


Have a test on Thursday, Report on Friday, Presentation and a report due next Monday, Letter due on 31st March. Best of all its on Wednesday(two days from now) there will be a presentation, OR a test, the lecturer himself doest know, LOL.
So heck busy, but yeah should be able to handle, we can do all things in Christ who strengthens you. So yeah I feel like I'm Superman

Anyway, caught this cat lie stretched, nicely leaned onto the wall

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Rimba Ilmu

Went Rimba Ilmu, Universiti Malaya two weeks ago, a place my friend worked during his semester break. He took me to meet his boss, Dr Elengo. Dr Elengo took me on a tour first his lab then the herbarium which is known to be the biggest in Peninsula. Then into an Housed garden where exotic orchids are conserved. One of orchid which was hybrided in Rimba Ilmu itself is named Rimba Ilmu!
Below are more pictures from Rimba Ilmu