Monday, 10 December 2007

MyHostel hahhaha -part1

Woohoo! It is fun studying in UPM haha, after I finished my 1st semester, I show u a glimpse of my hostel\room\cubicle\study table .

Oh ya intro abit 1st... In my hostel there are 6 persons in a room, each has his own cubicle, the cubicles are arranged in a 2 by 3 manner, each cubicle consist of a study table, a chair, cupboard, a bed. This is my study table=)
Thats the right side of my study table, hey who put that shirt there? Oh, I did

Thats the center of the study table

All photos are taken from a SE K800i camera
For this particular photo, I used
16x digital zoom
Distance 2m from camera
Actual size of paper 7cm x 6.5cm
Cool man! The words are still readable.

My timetable

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